Lack, Theodore, Etude in D major
Lack, Theodore, Etude in A minor
Lack, Theodore, Tarantella
Landa, Fabio, Toccata
Laputin, L., Rucheyok (Streamlet) Etude
Larsen, Nils, Gavotte
Larsen, Nils, Halling
Larson, Lars-Erik, Capriccioso
Larson, Lars-Erik, Grazioso
Laumenskiene, E., Scherzetto
Legrand, Michel, A Melody from "The Umbrellas of Cherbourg"
Lemuan, A., Etude in D major
Lemuan, A., Etude in G major
Lemuan, A., Etude in F major
Lemuan, A., Etude in C major
Lemuan, A., Etude in A major
Lemuan, A., Etude in B flat major
Lemuan, A., Etude in G major
Lemuan, A., Etude in F major
Lemuan, A., Etude in G major
Lemuan, A., Etude in G major
Lemuan, A., Etude in C major
Lemuan, A., Etude in C major
Lemuan, A., Etude in G major
Lemuan, A., Etude in C major
Lemuan, A., Etude in C major
Lemuan, A., Etude in C major
Lemuan, A., Etude in G major
Lemuan, A., Etude in D major
Lemuan, A., Etude in C major
From "The Leningrad Piano Book" ("Ленинградскaя клавирнaя книгa") Girl's Complait
Lennon, John, Imagine
Lennon, John, McCartney, Paul, Back In The USSR (performed by the Beatles)
Lennon, John, Because (performed by the Beatles)
Lennon, John, McCartney, Paul, Carry That Weight (performed by the Beatles)
Lennon, John, McCartney, Paul, Eight Days A Week (performed by the Beatles)
Lennon, John, McCartney, Paul, Girl (performed by the Beatles)
Lennon, John, McCartney, Paul, Let It Be (performed by the Beatles)
Leon, Argellers, Canto de Uemba
Leon, Argellers, Lube-lube
Levassier, J., English Rondo
Lichner, Heinrich, At Home
Lichner, Heinrich, Fairy-Tale
Licite, Paula, Lettish Folk Song
Lindh J:son, Bjorn, Sweet Revenge
Liszt, Franz, A Piece in F sharp major (from the cycle "Four Little Piano Pieces")
Liszt, Franz, In dream Nocturne
Liszt, Franz, The Thinker from "Years of Pilgrimage"
Liszt, Franz, The Sad Steppe
Liszt, Franz, Russian Song
Litovko, Yuriy, Waltz in G major
Litovko, Yuri, Waltz Etude
Litovko, Yuri, Invention
Litovko, Yuri, Canon
Litovko, Yuri, Melodiya starinnogo royalya (Old Grand Pianos Melody)
Litovko, Yuri, ABC Music Book, Part 1
Litovko, Yuri, ABC Music Book, Part 2
Litovko, Yuri, "Stariy kovboy" ("The Old Cowboy",Jazz Songbook)
Loehlein, Georg Simon, Ballet
Loeschhorn, Albert, Etude in C major
Loeschhorn, Albert, Etude in C major
Loeschhorn, Albert, Etude in G major
Loeschhorn, Albert, Etude in B flat major
Loeschhorn, Albert, Etude in B flat major
Loeschhorn, Albert, Etude in B flat major
Loeschhorn, Albert, Etude in A major
Loeschhorn, Albert, Etude in A major
Longshamp-Drushkevichova, K., Iz babushkinyh vospominaniy(Grandmother Memories)
Longshamp-Drushkevichova,, K., Marsh negrityat (The Little Negros March)
Longshamp-Drushkevichova,, K., Na kon'kah (On Skates)
Longshamp-Drushkevichova,, K., Polka
Ludkevich, S., Starinnaya pesnya (Old Song)
López Marin, Jorge, Alejandro Garcia in Memoriam
Lully, Jean-Baptiste, Аria
Lully, Jean-Baptiste, Gavotte
Lundblad, Peter, Ta mej till havet (Take Me To the Sea)
Lvov-Kompaneets, David Zadushevny razgovor (Heart-To-Heart Talk) Ensemble
Lyadov, Anatoly, Bagatelle in B major
Lyadov, Anatoly, Grotesque
Lyadov, Anatoly, Mazurka in A minor
Lyadov, Anatoly, Mazurka in F minor
Lyadov, Anatoly, Prelude in A flat major
Lyadov, Anatoly, Prelude in D minor
Lyadov, Anatoly, Prelude in D flat major
Lyadov, Anatoly, A Little Waltz
Lyapunov, Sergei Mikhailovich, Allegretto
Lyapunov, Sergei Mikhailovich, Piece in F flat minor